Sunday, March 27, 2011

New Website Templates

Hi Everyone,

here are the new website templates...
the first image shows the new home page
the second image is an example of how the Designers page will look like: each box is for each are some of the things that you guys can give some feed back asap. There are 4 different examples of how our photo and our names would be displayed (before clicking and going to each designers page) can decide by saying ( you like option1, option2, option3, or option4 (which is how it would be shown if someone has a long first and last name))...or if you like all of them just to make it more creative and show how each one of us has his/her own style we can keep all 4 options (which means each person will have their name displayed different . Again, since we are designers and each one of us has his/her own style) so if you guys like that idea you can say option 5 (which is keep it as is...with all 4 options).  There is another thing we can do, we can put the First name and the Last name initial...Please let me know in this Blog your feedback so we can try and finish it during this spring break and would be ready to launch it so everyone can see it and test the website.

Some Reminders:
1. For those who still need to send me their project images...Please try and send me 2 of your best project images as a PDF ASAP within 3 days...deadline was supposed to be today but please try and do it. send it to so we can have it ready in the website.

2. Anna, can you please let me know when are the photos will be ready so we can start putting them in.

3. Elizabeth or who is responsible for the Bios, can you please let me know when are they ready to be sent to me so we can start putting them in the website!...if they are all ready, can you please send them as a word document in .

Please guys, we are trying to get this ready during this spring break so we can have it set and everyone can check the final site before we launch it.

Thank you :) and hope you guys have a great spring break:))




  1. the photos are ready. theres just a few that still didnt pick their portraits yet. how should i send them to you? files might be too large to send through email?

  2. ok..tomorrow i will be in the King's library...will you be able to meet me to transfer them into my computer!...let me know..i will be there around 12:30

  3. I like options 2 and 3 for the designer link boxes.

  4. I like 3 for designer boxes!!

    Looking great Suzy!!


  5. Looks so good Suzy! I like option 3 too.


  6. Looks great!!!
    I like option 3 the best
    but I am not sure how it would look with a long last name

  7. most of you like Option 3...what we can do is to put the first name in one color and the first initial of the last name in another color...and when you go to each designers page, there will be the full first and last name, image, bio and you can click on each image to make it bigger.

    Hannah, can you please send me your Black and White professional photo to include it in the website..thanks :)

  8. The home page looks GREAT. And i like the 3rd box option for our bios.
    Good work!
