Monday, April 4, 2011

Senior Show Financial Budget

Hello Everyone, Hope all of you had a great spring break! I wanted to inform you all our financial status for the Senior Show. I know I made announcement in class about our current deficit but I would like to remind you again that our deficit is about $2,200.00. This amount includes our last needed payment for the Rotunda which is $2,100.00 plus all other miscillaneous expenses such as additional counters for the event ($300 for three counters) and an emergency amount which is needed to be set aside. Are total budget is $12,033.90 which includes all current donations and reimbursements. However, our total expenses for the show is $14, 200.00. The financial and donation teams are doing our best to avoid requiring another payment from all the students but if we do not receive enough donations we are required to do so. If we are not able to rise enough money to cover our deficit we will ask students to make another payment of $50 or more. Although we are waiting for more donations to come in, We would appreciate it if you could please do your part and help out the donation team to come up with other ideas or avenues to raise money. I also mentioned to Montana that for those who have already finished an internship or is currently working as an intern, students could possibly inform your past or current intern employer about our show and see if they could possibly donate. Please contact me at if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas to help out. Once again thank you for understanding and cooperation. Your Senior Show Treasurer, Rachel Marie Dala

1 comment:

  1. I've sent a few emails out asking for donations from alumni I know. Lets see what happens...
